mercoledì 2 aprile 2014

Communication materials for: "Vaginight"

ID.EA: Design of communication 
materials and logos
Client: Ms "V" 

Vaginight, sex toys per combattere l'Aids

Asta benefica di sex toys, organizzata dalla blogger "Memorie di una Vagina", con Lila per la lotta al Virus 

(Public sale of sex toys to raise money in aid of the research against AIDS)

A bit of Novel: I remember the Night she talked to me, introducing the "Vaginight" project. It felt rather weird, yet funny to be going so much into details of sex toys, as long as by listening to our conversation, no one could have possibly guessed the nature of our meeting. However, it had very much to deal with a positive approach to a complex subject, such as AIDS, which was the addressed target of the whole project. In the end, the public sale successfully reached a great number of attendees, and a pretty amount of money was raised for the cause.

It has been lovely to be working on a project like this one, that I enjoyed from the very start 'til the end. Ms "V" is a cleaver writer, who can describe what most of the people feel in a relationship, without the harsh, but with that twist of irony and light-hearted fun, that you can truly enjoy.

Welcome to Elena Arzani Portfolio

Dear Reader, 

welcome to my new blog. 

By the look of it, you may have already understood that you're just about to experience a glimpse to my portfolio. You won't be able to see most of the projects, that I have delivered to big Companies throughout my twenty-years in the field of creativity, for they are protected by an agreement of non-disclosure. However, I aim to give you a brief insight of "what goes through my mind", and how it all becomes subject of a never-ending passion, that eventually someone might call "what I do for a living". 

Therefore, hope you'll enjoy the visit!


Caro Lettore, 

benvenuto nel mio nuovo blog. 

Dal primo sguardo, avrai certamente immaginato di esser prossimo alla visione del mio portfolio. Non ti sarà possibile osservare i progetti, che ho sviluppato negli anni per diverse Società, poichè quest stessi sono protetti da accordi di privacy. Tuttavia vorrei dmostrarti  "cosa passa nella mia mente" e come tutto questo diventa materia di un'infinita passione, che alcuni volendo chiamano "ciò di cui mi occupo nella vita". 

Spero quindi la visita possa esser di tuo gradimento!
